Activating Circular Innovation

At Leafer, we create circular business opportunities. By using systems thinking, putting users first, and considering material lifecycles, we can create every sustainable possibility.

Find the maximum value of your resources

We help you design limited resources to be used in the smartest way: with the least cost and greatest return.

Build innovation with real demand

We help you understand what users need. Then, we provide fresh ideas to help your business stay on top.

Gather insights from business operations

We examine the workings of your processes and organization. Then, we provide user-friendly solutions.

top-down view of a few people discussing at a table where multiple devices are open to Chunlyn's website

Partner Clients




Sizihwan Education Foundation
ccilu international
Taiwan Power Company
Hotai Motors
moriden in & out casa
National Cheng Kung University Research and Development Foundation
Cake, CakeResume
Dachu Coffee Estate
Chunghwa Telecom
ccilu international
Taiwan Power Company
Hotai Motors